MDBA Field Trip — Marin: Las Gallinas and Shollenberger Park
January 18 @ 8:30 am - 3:00 pm
Both of these locations are great for wintering waders, shorebirds, waterfowl and raptors. Bring lunch and a beverage, as both sites take time to bird and there is a drive in between. This trip is appropriate for birders of all experience levels, including beginners.
Hike rating: Category 2 – Moderate. Walking some distance and gentle slopes.
Elevation change: Minor
Leader: Sandy Ritchie, (925) 381-2514
Meet: Carpool meets at Sun Valley Mall at 7:30AM. Or meet at the Las Gallinas ponds in San Rafael at 8:30AM
Directions: Check here later for updates.
This field trip is limited to 15 participants. Register HERE:
(Photo: American Bittern by Beth Branthaver)