MDBA Field Trip — Thornton Area/Cosumnes Preserve
February 12 @ 8:45 am - 2:00 pm
FreeTundra Swans, Sandhill Cranes, hawks and grassland birds. Trip will go on in light rain. Bring lunch and a beverage. If questions, call the leader.
Hike rating: 1 – Easy.
Elevation change: Minor
Leader: Mona Lange, 510-414-2959
Meet: 8:45 AM in Westgate Landing Park at end of Glascock Road.
Directions: Take SR 4 to Antioch Bridge, go north on SR 160 along the river to Rio Vista bridge. Turn right on SR 12 for 11.5 miles. East of Terminous, turn right onto the exit to Glasscock Rd. The road will go under the bridge. Turn left onto Glasscock Rd. proper and continue to the park at the end. After meeting at Westgate Landing and a quick check of the area within view, we’ll continue towards Thornton.
There is a $5 parking fee at one of the stops; bring exact change.
Register HERE:
Photo: Sandhill Cranes, by Sharon Anderson