MDBA Field Trip — Black Diamond Mines
April 10 @ 8:00 am - 1:00 pm

This trip includes a steep climb up a rocky trail with an elevation gain of several hundred feet. Why make the climb? Because the location offers the best chance in our MDBA territory to see and hear Canyon Wrens! Footing can be tricky—be advised!
There is no guarantee on finding the wrens, but we will certainly see many other birds. California Thrasher, Rufous-crowned Sparrow and Phainopepla are often seen here though again, nothing is certain. At the worst we will share an adventure in a beautiful and historically interesting location. Be sure to bring enough water, and lunch.
Leader: Matt Tarlach, MDBAFieldtrips@gmail.com
Rating: Category 3, difficult uphill trail, potentially hot.
Elevation change: 600 feet, steep in places.
Meet: Black Diamond Mines parking lot at the top of Somersville Road.
Directions: Exit Hwy 4 at Somersville Road in Antioch. Drive south, enter the park gate and drive about 1 mile uphill to the last parking lot at the road’s end.
This trip is limited to 12 participants.
Register here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/birding-hike-at-black-diamond-mines-tickets-1250808354459
(Photo of Canyon Wren by Vicky Atkinson)