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MDBA Field Trip — Moorhen + McNabney Marshes

March 15 @ 8:30 am - 12:00 pm


Two trips this month! Mt. View Sanitary District has offered MDBA special access for a Saturday visit. Both trips will be open to the public, and are very suitable for beginning birders. Binoculars are available for borrowing—just email the leader in advance so they know how many extra pairs to bring.

Created by MVSD in 1974, Moorhen Marsh was the first wetland on the west coast that made use of treated effluents as its primary water source. Today the 21-acre constructed wetland offers critical habitat for wildlife. Native species dependent on Moorhen Marsh for habitat include the western pond turtle, North American river otter, and many species of birds. Directly across the freeway, McNabney Marsh—aka Waterbird Regional Preserve—in winter hosts many species of ducks, shorebirds and waterbirds.

We’ll meet at the observation deck near the south end of McNabney Marsh, off of Arthur Road, and scan the area with our scopes. After that we’ll move the cars a short distance into the MVSD facility and take a walk around the cleverly human-made Moorhen Marsh.

Hike Rating: 1 – Easy. Under 1 mile on flat terrain. Unpaved paths can get muddy after rain.
Elevation change: N/A
Leader: Matthew Tarlach, mdbafieldtrips@gmail.com

Meet: Meet at the observation deck off of Arthur Road at 8:30 AM. There’s plenty of parking.

Directions: From I-680 northbound, exit at Pacheco Blvd, turn right onto Arthur Road and go under the freeway. Arthur Road will bend left. Where Arthur Road ends, the paved road turns sharp left through a gate into Mt. View Sanitary’s private access road. Drive about .3 mile to the gravel parking lot just before the one-lane tunnel. The observation deck is to the right (east) of the road.

This field trip is free and open to the public, with prior registration required. Limited to 15 participants. Participants will need to click to acknowledge the MDBA liability waiver. Anyone entering Moorhen Marsh will need to sign the MVSD liability waiver also, to be provided on site.

Register for Saturday 3/15:

(Image of Black-crowned Night Herons by Isaac Aronow.)


March 15
8:30 am - 12:00 pm
Event Categories:


Matt Tarlach


Mountain View Sanitary District
3800 Arthur Rd
Martinez, CA 94553 United States
+ Google Map