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MDBA Field Trip — Pine Canyon
April 20, 2024 @ 8:00 am - 1:00 pm

This field trip is especially good for beginning birders! Pine Canyon, which includes the Castle Rock EBRPD recreational area, and the Diablo Foothills Regional Park just beyond, provides rich habitat and resources for spring migrants passing through, as well as for many returning and nesting summer residents.
We should expect to find nesting pairs of Bullock’s Orioles and House Wrens. Warbling Vireos, along with their cousins, the Cassin’s Vireo, nest within the canyon. Rufous-crowned Sparrows are to be found, and if we’re lucky, Lazuli Bunting. We’ll look (and listen) for Black-headed Grosbeaks and Western Tanagers. Western Wood-Pewees and Pacific-slope Flycatchers pass through. We might get lucky with an Olive-sided Flycatcher. And the warblers: breeding plumage Yellow-rumped, Black-throated Gray, Wilson’s, Yellow, Nashville, MacGillivray’s, Hermit, Orange-crowned, and Townsend’s.
Bring water and snacks. This should be a wonderful springtime field trip.
Trail Rating: Category 2–Moderate with creek crossings
Elevation change: 150-200 feet
Leader: Tracy Farrington, 925-788-6223
Meet: Diablo Foothills Regional Park trailhead parking lot.
Directions: From Ygnacio Valley Road, drive south on either Walnut Avenue or Oak Grove Road to the traffic circle. Continue south on Castle Rock Road, pass Northgate High School, then drive to the end of the road.
This field trip is limited to 15 participants. Participants must acknowledge the MDBA Liability Waiver (available during registration).
Register HERE: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/birding-pine-canyon-tickets-860625282387
(Townsend’s Warbler photo by Jerry Britten)