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Events at this venue

Finding Rarities In The East Bay


Finding Rarities In The East Bay with Alex Henry The East Bay is home to an impressive variety of habitats—from vast tidal mudflats, to rolling grassland hills, to the pine-oak woodlands of the interior Coast Range. Corresponding to these varied landscapes is an incredible diversity of avifauna. Join us for a chronological exploration of the […]


Mitchell Canyon Birding Hotspot—Spring Migration


Spring in the East Bay outdoors means enjoying comfortable weather, looking at beautiful wildflowers, and greeting the colorful migratory birds flying up from further south that either settle here to find mates and nest, or stop briefly before continuing up north. Mitchell Canyon, on the north slope of Mount Diablo and lying within Mount Diablo […]


Discovering Wood-warblers in Marin County: When Nesters Arrive and Where to Find Them


Speaker: Daniel Edelstein Host: Doug Waterman Date: April 15th, 2021 Start time: 7:30 PM End Time: 9:30 PM Register for Zoom Webinar HERE Which wood-warbler species typically nest annually in in Marin County and the North Bay region? Which are year-round residents and when do returning spring migrant species arrive? And why do vagrant wood-warblers […]


Bird Sound Recording For Conservation And Research


Presented by Greg Budney This presentation will discuss how audio recording is used for conservation and research with examples ranging from the use of portable recording systems in tropical bird conservation, autonomous recorders for detection and monitoring, automated playback systems for reintroduction, and will also touch on related issues such as the ethics of playback. […]


Condors Of Pinnacles


Condors Of Pinnacles with Rusty Scalf & Richard Neidhardt The bird and the place are both national treasures. The California Condor is the largest bird in North America, recovering from near-extinction in the 1970s due to the pesticide DDT. Pinnacles National Park—a release and research site for these birds—is a 23 million-year-old rhyolitic volcanic formation, […]


Behind The Gates At Hayward Marsh


Behind The Gates At Hayward Marsh with Bob Lewis Stopping at the Hayward visitors center to pick up a key and enjoy the Barn and Cliff Swallows collecting mud, we’ll make our way to the gate to the Hayward freshwater marsh just beyond. We’ve been coming here for about 10 years now, and we always […]


Vernal Pool Wildflower Tour At Woodland Regional Park


Tuleyome is hosting a tour of the wildflowers at Woodland Regional Park, highlighting the sensitive vernal pool areas. Due to COVID-19 and the sensitive nature of the vernal pools onsite, this tour will be held via Zoom. California Naturalist, Nate Lillge will be in the field live-streaming while Tuleyome Board member, Dr. Glen Holstein, will […]


Puzzling Pairs: An Id Workshop


Puzzling Pairs: An Id Workshop with Oliver James & Adrian Hinkle Spring is here—the perfect time to brush up on your ID chops! Need to recalibrate on the difference between female House and Purple Finch? Is the jury still out on whether that’s a pewee or a dreaded empidonax? Oliver and Adrian will break down […]


California Beaver Summit Day 2: Beaver Dynamics—Ecosystems and Restoration


Climate change is making our state hotter, drier, and harder for people and wildlife. Find out how beaver can help. Beaver has shaped the landscapes of California for over 5 million years. Their dams have slowed runoff and created wetlands of carbon enriched meadows. They charged aquifers, maintained stable temperatures, and cooled stream flows in […]


Birding By Ear


BIRDING BY EAR: SPRING INSTRUCTOR: DENISE WIGHT Six Zoom sessions on Thursdays Spring! The best time to throw yourself into the cacophony of bird songs! We will virtually explore (via Zoom) various East Bay locations and the birds we’re most likely to hear. We will compare similar songs of local birds as well as go over […]


Singing Hummingbird Feathers and the Quiet Flight of Owls (and Other Birds)


Dr. Chris Clark will present ongoing research in his lab, starting with work on how hummingbirds make sounds with their tail feathers during courtship displays. Then he will shift to ongoing research he is conducting on why owls have evolved to fly quietly. Dr. Clark grew up in Seattle where he started birdwatching at age […]


Treasures Of Mines Road


Treasures Of Mines Road with Steve Lombardi This virtual 65-mile round trip will explore all of Mines Road plus connecting portions of San Antonio Valley and Del Puerto Canyon Roads. They all run through the East Bay’s Diablo Range in an area virtually devoid of humans, but not of birds. Our virtual tour will take […]


California Beaver Summit Day 1: Beaver Essentials—History and Management


Climate change is making our state hotter, drier, and harder for people and wildlife. Find out how beaver can help. Beaver has shaped the landscapes of California for over 5 million years. Their dams have slowed runoff and created wetlands of carbon enriched meadows. They charged aquifers, maintained stable temperatures, and cooled stream flows in […]


Christmas In May Count Registration


Join Golden Gate Audubon Society’s new Christmas-in-May Bird Counts (CiMBC) on Saturday, May 8th! Find as many bird species as possible in your chosen area… while contributing to community science and generating funds to protect Bay Area birds. Choose from 25 AREAS in Oakland or 17 AREAS in San Francisco. Pick an area you’ve birded […]


Raptors Of Skaggs Island


Raptors Of Skaggs Island with Anne Ardillo & George Eade This virtual voyage will take you beyond the locked gates of Skaggs Island to learn about its many raptors — eagles, hawks, owls, kites, falcons, and more. A former naval base, now a part of the San Pablo Bay National Wildlife Refuge in the North […]


Virtual Bird ID Seminar with Jon Dunn—3 Consecutive Thursday Evenings


In an effort to promote bird knowledge and interest, OAS has partnered with author and bird expert Jon Dunn for a 3-part set of one and a half hour sessions on three consecutive Thursday’s from April 1 to April 15, 2021 starting at 7pm each night. Jon Dunn is one of the top birders in […]


The Farallones—Minus The Seasickness


Farallones‚ Minus The Seasickness with Alvaro Jaramillo The Farallon Islands are the most important seabird colony in the US Pacific Coast south of Alaska. Hundreds of thousands of seabirds breed there, and others forage nearby. We are lucky in the Bay Area, that Southeast Farallon Island is accessible on a one day boat trip, as […]


Rare Bird Sightings in Marin 2020


With California Young Birders Club Members – Joseph Zeno, Mark Schulist, Lucas Corneliussen, and John King Marin County hosts some of the best opportunities to see and find rare birds. You can see a new bird in Marin every time you go outside. As you grow as a birder and begin to be able to […]


Birding California’s Big Sink


Birding California’s Big Sink with Eddie Bartley & Noreen Weeden Take a fast-paced virtual spin around one of California’s most important birding areas: the Salton Sink. Though much altered by humans in the past century, the endorheic or drainless Salton Sink (of which the Salton Sea is a major feature) holds magnificent bird diversity and […]


Lindsay at Home: Hospital Behind the Scenes


Get an exclusive behind-the-scenes look at our wildlife hospital as our veterinary staff treats a wildlife patient! Join us at 11 a.m. Saturday, March 27 live on Zoom for “Lindsay at Home: Hospital BTS” and explore the fascinating world of wildlife rehabilitation. This half-hour online program is perfect for all ages and gives you unparalleled […]
