This presentation, by Richard Charter, representing the Ocean Foundation, outlines opposition vewpoints to the controversial U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service proposal to use anticoagulant rodenticide to eradicate the invasive house mouse from this island ecosystem and restore it to a more natural condition and thereby protect threatened nesting seabirds, notably Ashy and Leach's Storm Petrels. […]
Attend (virtually) a presentation on July 16, 2020, 7PM, hosted by Marin Audubon Society, to learn about the US Fish and Wildlife Service’s Plan to restore the ecosystem of this globally important wildlife refuge by removing the introduced house mice. Attend the webinar to hear how you can help restore this unique ecosystem. Please register […]
In light of the continuning COVID 19 crisis, Mt. Diablo Audubon Society has canceled scheduled field trips through August 2020. If the timing of this order changes, we will reassess the situation and send another message. Please check our website and our Facebook page for updates.
In light of the continuning COVID 19 crisis, Mt. Diablo Audubon Society has canceled scheduled field trips through August 2020. If the timing of this order changes, we will reassess the situation and send another message. Please check our website and our Facebook page for updates.