Raptors include hawks, falcons, eagles, vultures, and owls. They are efficient hunters, catching a variety of prey from small mammals and birds to snakes and large insects, using razor-sharp talons. Although identification may seem a bit difficult at first, with a little experience it is possible to identify many raptors in flight as well as […]
Instructor: Miya Lucas And Wendy Beers 6 sessions on Thursdays and weekends Venue: Zoom plus field trips Fall is an avian wonder in the Bay Area. Our location on the Pacific Flyway brings many migrants through as they head south for the winter. This class will introduce you to some of these visitors, both their visual field […]
Instructor: Denise Wight 6 sessions on Thursdays and Saturdays Venue: Zoom plus field trips Autumn is a great time to start slow and learn some of our local bird sounds. This class will introduce you to 20 common birds found in the East Bay in fall. We will cover a wide variety of techniques used for […]
Birding with Jim White and Bob Battagin Abbott’s Lagoon on the Pacific Coast in the Point Reyes National Seashore is one of Marin’s premier birding locations sporting an eBird sum of 283 species. Fall migration south along the coast brings many birds to this area. Some that we hope to see include Ferruginous Hawk, Baird’s […]
Join us on a flat hike through Curry Canyon, Save Mount Diablo's signature property on the eastern slope of Mount Diablo. We will look for some lingering fall migrants, early-arriving wintering birds, and raptors along this beautiful riparian corridor. This is a joint MDAS/SMD hike, and registration is through SMD's Discover Diablo Event page. Leader: […]
Elsie Roemer Bird Sanctuary. A visit to the Alameda shoreline as the tide rises should produce good views of shorebirds. A viewing platform and trails will give us excellent opportunities to study these birds at close range. We may drive to other nearby locations for additional birding. Fifteen participants maximum. Category 1: Easy, little or […]
Instructor: Alex Henry For Bay Area birders, finding rarities in the fall is part of the fun. Our location on the edge of the Pacific Americas Flyway brings many species of birds through our area on their way south. Birds that normally migrate over the ocean get blown off course and land in the Bay […]
Main Program: Twenty Seasons of Nest Box Monitoring Lee Pauser As a volunteer, Lee Pauser has been building, installing, and monitoring nest boxes (a nest box is an artificial cavity) for twenty nesting seasons. The presentation includes photos and videos of the eighteen species of cavity nesting birds that have graced his nest boxes. His […]
It’s always an exciting time to birdwatch at Olompali State Historic Park! October can bring fall surprises. This year, with the fires in the northern part of the state, Olompali Park may become home to species typically not seen in the park seeking shelter. Beginning and experienced birders are invited to join leaders Rich Cimino and Janet […]
Shorebirds flock to the Bay Area in the fall. Many are coming from their breeding sites in the Arctic, others from the prairies. They take advantage of the rich food resources in the Bay to recover from their migration, to molt their feathers, and to prepare for their trip back to their nesting grounds. A […]
Instructor: Dawn Lemoine 6 sessions on Wednesdays and Saturdays Venue: Zoom plus field trips If you’re ready to dip your wingtips into the world of birds, the Birding for Fledglings class is for you! No experience is necessary. The class will focus on birding tools; keys to bird identification; and finding and IDing the Bay Area’s […]
On Sunday, October 17, Bay Area residents are invited to enjoy the first annual Berkeley Bird Festival, a free community event organized by Golden Gate Audubon and the California Institute for Community Art and Nature (California I CAN). The event will offer guided birding field trips throughout the city, bird chalk art on the UC […]
Once thriving in the East Bay, the Burrowing Owl has been forced to move inland and the consequences for many have been fatal. Conducting long-term research on these colonies, Shawn Smallwood and Doug Bell have observed the rate of mortality for Burrowing Owls living within the Altamont Pass Wind Resource Area, as wind turbines within […]
Workshop Dates: Nov 1 & 3, 2021 6:00pm – 8:00pm $100 total per person for both sessions This workshop will be a basis to identify the wintering sparrows in California, with a focus on the Bay Area. We hope to also give you a background to understand a bit about the biology, evolutionary history, migration, […]
Instructor: Maureen Lahiff, With Anne Ardillo on Field Trips 3 sessions on Tuesdays and Saturdays Venue: Zoom plus field trips Year-round resident hawks, falcons, and eagles of the greater Bay Area and the Central Valley are joined by a number of wintering migrants (including Ferruginous and Rough-legged Hawks). We’ll explore the rhythm of their lives and […]
Workshop Dates: Nov 1 & 3, 2021 6:00pm – 8:00pm $100 total per person for both sessions This workshop will be a basis to identify the wintering sparrows in California, with a focus on the Bay Area. We hope to also give you a background to understand a bit about the biology, evolutionary history, migration, […]
Birding Info: Cabin Lake Bird Blinds Photos Jerry Britten, MDAS President MDAS President Jerry Britten will share some photos he has taken at the Cabin Lake Bird Blinds in Central Oregon. Main Program: Owls Through the Ages Karla Bloem, Executive Director of the International Owl Center Owls are omens of death. Owls are creator beings. Owl eggs can […]
Join Peninsula Open Space Trust for a special free online screening of “The Falconer” in honor of the Fall Raptor Migration Season! The event is free but registration is required. Guests who register for the event will receive a viewing link and password to access the film anytime between 7pm Friday, November 5 through midnight on Wednesday, […]
We see a variety of birds on the water on this trip. Locations might include Charleston Slough, Shoreline Lake, Palo Alto Baylands, Alviso and Redwood Shores. This hike is limited to 15 participants. All Field Trips are first-registered, first-served. Participants acknowledge the MDAS Liability Waiver (available during registration). Rating: Moderate Distance: We do some walking, […]